Southern African Accounting Association : INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL CONFERENCE

Posted on May 18, 2013

The SOUTHERN AFRICAN ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION (SAAA) in collaboration with the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH are presenting an INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL CONFERENCE THEMED: The challenge of responsible Accountancy Academic Citizenship: The quest to balance teaching, research and academic leadership from 26-28th June 2013 at the LORD CHARLES HOTEL, SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA. Website here

I am delighted that a paper prepared from my Masters thesis by my supervisors, Leo Deodutt and myself has been accepted for presentation at the above conference.

During the finalisation of my dissertation there were a number of people who were gleefully reminding me that the examiners and I would probably be the only people who ever read or cared about my research. This didn’t fill me with any joy, so I am truly delighted to have the opportunity to share some of my research. It provides further impetus to the original thinking of publishing the material is a book of some format.

Watch this space 🙂

New location for Nespresso in Durban (updated with pics & opening hours)

Posted on March 28, 2013

I received an SMS from Nespresso the other day to say they are currently located at 254 Lilian Ngoyi Road (formerly Windermere road). Their new phone number is 031-303 3374. They are open Monday – Friday 08:30 to 16:30 and Saturday 09:00 to 13:00. Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Having struggled in the past to find them, and the fact the address and number is not listed on nor does it come up on a Google search, this may be useful to some of you looking for them.

Update : So as you drive up Windermere road, their shop is a converted house on the right hand side, you can see the palms outside. As you get closer you can see the sign on the road facing part of the building to the left of the palms. At this point you want to be slowing down already as they have off-street parking. and it is easy to miss. The parking is right up against the building, and the solid island does stop so you can turn right into the parking. The security guard will have to open the boom for you.

While you are here, if you are interested in some other Nespresso compatible pods (depending on your machine) take a look at this post.




Nespresso Shop nes2 nes3



UKZN MBA 2013 Presentation : Security & Ethics

Posted on March 02, 2013

On Thursday afternoon I was privileged to speak to the UKZN 2013 MBA class on information security and ethics. Below is a copy of the presentation. Lots of detail in here which we didn’t get to cover in the two hours together, and lots to remind you of the things we shared. I hope you all enjoyed the time as much as I did.

Feel free to mail me or post any questions here.


Download PDF presentation : security and ethics 2013 UKZN MBA Feb 2013


LinkedIn reaches 200 million and I’m in the Top 5% most viewed profiles (along with 10 million others!)

Posted on February 17, 2013

I received a mail the other day to say that LinkedIn had reached 200 million members, and that my profile was one of the Top 5% of most viewed profiles. Sounds impressive doesn’t it? Perhaps a little less so when you consider 10 million other members must have received the same mail. Ah well, below is a snapshot of that mail and the accompanying info-graphic just for interest sake. Sadly this doesn’t show South Africa to be a top user of Linked In. In fact Africa doesn’t even warrant a dot, I guess that means we have fewer members than even the 3 million of Australia. Ah well.



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Caffe Luxe’s new and improved Nespresso Compatible coffee pods (mostly just pics)

Posted on February 16, 2013

After one of our readers complained about the Caffelux capsules, the good folk over at stepped in and offered to send her some capsules. At the same time they noticed my previous blog post on their coffee still showed the old branding and product. Since the product had been updated with new branding, capsules design improvements and coffee they very kindly offered to send me some of the new coffee to try, which I gladly accepted.

Below you can see the new whiter, lighter branded boxes of the five flavours.

The 5 flavours

The 5 flavours

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Cheap (Legal) copies of Microsoft 2013 applications (for some)

Posted on February 16, 2013

Microsoft has a home use programme that allows employees of many organisations from around the world to get copies of their key products:

  • Office 2013 Professional
  • Project 2013 Professional
  • Visio 2013 Professional
  • Office 2011 for Mac OS X

for the really awesome price of R81 each. This is for the download copy, for R120 extra you can order a physical media copy of each (postage not included).

This is applicable for a lot of people working in large corporates or at educational institutions. You will need the Home Use code, which you can get from your IT department. If you can’t find the code, then try the link below anyway, click the “don’t have code” option,  just pop in  your email address, and you may get lucky and be able to download it anyway.

Be aware the 2013 version of office is a download version running in some kind of virtualised environment which will ensure that it keeps up to date. When you download the installer it downloads a “download app” and then downloads and installs all in one, so you don’t get an ISO or installer per say, so you can install on just the one PC. Not really a big problem. On a site I was reading this morning (sorry, forget the name so no details) they did mention that the license key you get with the R81 version works with physical media, so once you have the key, if you can get the media elsewhere you can still use it.

As much as people bemoan the Microsoft Office suite, these are really great apps and at this price, nobody who is entitled to use the programme can complain they are too expensive.

Transversal password cracking with NMAP (without downloading the hashes)

Posted on February 16, 2013

A few months back I discovered that our service desk had become a little “lazy” and were no longer using the defined process (identify user, randomly generate new password, set to change on first use) and were now handing out weak passwords without requiring the users to change them.

In order to assess the extent of the problem I wanted to do a test against the domain to see how wide-spread the problem was. I Google’d around a bit to try to identify a tool which could perform the exercise for me, but didn’t really find anything that looked suitable. I knew that I didn’t want to grab the hashes and do an off-line attack , but wanted instead to do it “live” against the domain, both to avoid the responsibility of having a copy of all the hashes (risk of is too high and as Head of Infosec I didn’t want that on my head)  and also to test the alertness of the security operations centre in detecting the attack.

My criterion was simple, find a tool that given a file of usernames and a file of passwords would test the usernames with the given passwords.

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Using iDrifta with iPad Mini / iPhone5 / Lightning connector iDevices

Posted on February 16, 2013

The good news is that you can use your iDrifta with the newer Lightning connector enabled devices (iPad 4th Gen, iPad Mini, iPhone 5) but you need to get an Apple Certified 30 pin lightning adaptor. I have yet to try this personally, but have ordered some connectors and converter cables from DX.COM to see if these far far cheaper generic converters will work. Will keep you posted once these arrive and I have tested them.

Just don’t forget, DONT UPGRADE to iOS 6.1 if you want to keep using your iDrifta, DStvMobile need sort their nonsense out and get their app upgraded to work with iOS 6.1 before you proceed. (See previous post).

Info obtained from dstv website here 
The iDrifta is a mobile TV decoder that receives DVB-H signal for viewing on iOS devices. For the product to work it must be within the DVB-H coverage area. Currently, the device is compatible with iPhone 4/4S/5*, iPad 1,2,3,4*,Mini* and 3rd generation and the 4th Generation iPod Touch.  * Using an Apple Certified 30 pin to lightning adaptor.

iOS iDrifta users/buyers beware! iOS6.1 not compatible with iDrifta (currently), works fine with Drifta (wifi)

Posted on February 16, 2013

Users of iDevices who own the iDrifta are on the rampage. Since the release of iOS 6.1 the iDrifta has not been working with the iPad/iPhone and DSTV have no useful response. They apologise and have no timelines for implementation of a solution. I have reached out to a few people I know but have received no response either.

The only bit of info is this “Announcement” on their website :

“Apple recently introduced the new iOS 6.1 version for its devices. In keeping in line with the various operating systems that we service, the Drifta is compatible with the new version and we are in the process of making the iDrifta compatible with iOS 6.1 soon.”

Not sure how that helps those users who can’t watch the test cricket or rugby. Seems unfortunate that DSTVMobile aren’t keeping up with the times and testing their products with those they claim to be compatible with.

Some relevant links :

  • Keep checking the iStore.  Let’s hope this is not a repeat of the Blackberry debacle.
  • You can follow the irate stream of complaints on Hello Peter over here (swearing and ineffectual customer service response involved!)
  • The thread on the DSTVmobile forum with the hapless Thulani saying much of nothing
  • And on facebook where a nameless sap apologizes for “any inconvenience that may have been caused.” indeed. A non-functional product “may have” caused inconvenience? What a lame braindead response. Of course it has caused inconvenience, the darn thing don’t work!


Service Desk Hell : The case of the missing Purchases Part II

Posted on February 09, 2013

Read part I of Service Desk Hell : The case of the missing Purchase, then click-through.

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Service desk hell : The case of the missing Purchases

Posted on February 09, 2013

Normally for technical service desk calls it is best to log onto the on-line system and type them in yourself, less to go wrong in the process. In this case the on-line system was not working so a call was required. This particular call took 34 minutes with the agent to dictate the problem, including having the agent read it back after each line was dictated.  A week later, the call was placed on hold as it was now waiting for further action from a third-party, this is what was sent to the individual who logged the call :


Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 09:06 PM


Subject: Call on Hold – Waiting for Equipment/3rd Party for Incident

This email originates from a send only mailbox. Please contact the Service Desk if you require assistance.

Good day XX, XX


Please contact the Service Desk if you require assistance.

Yours in Service


When this was received, didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. If it wasn’t real it would be so damn funny. It did however cause much mirth and at least one meeting was cancelled because we were laughing so much we were crying and could not focus on the matter at hand. Love to see if you can figure out what the agent was trying to capture, leave it in the comments, then click-through to the next page to see what was actually dictated to the call centre agent.


Want to download a list of Klout scores for a list of Twitter users? There is an app for that

Posted on January 21, 2013

Update : The tool is not working. I suspect it has something to do with the new methods introduced by Klout where a call first needs to be made to get the KloutID from the Twitter name, then lookup on the Klout ID. Will keep you posted on any progress.

With the TopTwits listings I have been doing I thought it would be good to be able to get the Klout scores in there and see how that changes the rankings for the top users. I also would like to see if I take the #afcon2013 player list how their Klout scores come out. There is a lot of debate around the merits of Klout, I don’t really want to get into that, rather just interested in the correlations.

I had a look at the Klout API and was considering trying to write some excel code to get me the Klout scores so I can just pop it into my Access database. I googled around about to avoid duplicating effort when I found a Windows App which does exactly what I wanted.

You will need to go onto Klout and register for a developer key to get the app to work, but it is simple and does the job.  It was a pain to find the app as googling for it produces and awful lot of junk above the app. Somehow I (luckily) managed to stumble across it, this post is simply to share that fortune and possibly assist others in finding this useful tool.

Thanks Wiggert of ISIZ Labs for sharing.

Oh, and if you download the tool and find it useful, just leave a not of thanks on Wiggert’s blog, I am sure he would appreciate it.


Players in #Afcon2013 with the most followers (Top 20)

Posted on January 20, 2013

Below is a list as at 3pm on 20/1/2013 of the Afcon#2013 players with the most followers. It is interesting to note that as per my previous post, South Africa has the highest percentage of players with Twitter accounts, yet, this list shows that none of those South African players makes the Top 10. The top 10 list is dominated by Ivory Coast (4), Nigera (2), Ghana (2) and one each from Mali and Togo. The first South African is Bernard Parker in 11th place.

Only 8 of the top 20 have had their accounts verified by Twitter.

# Twitter User (Screen name) Country verified Followers Follows Posts
1 Victor Moses (@VictorMoses) Nigeria Yes 147499 57 177
2 King Emmanuel Eboue (@TheRealEboue) CÔTE D’IVOIRE No 143332 162 3196
3 ASAMOAH GYAN (@ASAMOAH_GYAN) Ghana No 141759 37 2579
4 Salomon Kalou (@Skalhuno) CÔTE D’IVOIRE Yes 104935 87 1676
5 Kwadwo Asamoah (@Asabob20) Ghana Yes 85391 22 995
6 Momo Sissoko (@sissokomomo) Mali Yes 76320 30 490
7 Drogba Foundation (@FondationDrogba) CÔTE D’IVOIRE Yes 67997 35 213
8 Emmaunel Adebayor (@E_Adebayor) Togo Yes 62351 0 2
9 Joseph Yobo (@JosephYobo3) Nigeria No 43369 39 188
10 Didier Zokora (@maestrozokora) CÔTE D’IVOIRE No 37111 7 208
11 Bernard Parker (@BernardParker) South Africa No 30793 144 445
12 Adlene GUEDIOURA (@AdleneGUEDIOURA) Algeria Yes 26750 284 2323
13 Derek Boateng (@BoatengDerek) Ghana No 22269 34 326
14 thulani serero (@sererothulani) South Africa Yes 19237 30 149
15 Kagisho Dikgacoi (@KGDikgacoi) South Africa No 15656 390 1633
16 Ikechukwu Uche (@ikeuche9) Nigeria No 14621 45 422
17 Itumeleng khune (@TherealItu) South Africa No 13056 27 262
18 Katlego Mphela (@KillerMphela) South Africa No 11066 3 51
19 Afcon2013 (@AFCON2013za) South Africa No 9671 247 600
20 Agyemang-Badu (@Badu_Agyemang) Ghana No 7299 26 527

Excel Tool to download Twitter Statistics

Posted on January 20, 2013

I have been interested in analysing various Twitter stats and producing lists of top twitter users ( for some time now and been using various tools to do so. This has been challenging and the results I have been producing have been limited as a result. The tool I have used most is NodeXL,which is more for mapping social networks but has the side effect of being able to download “extended statistics” for each of the Nodes (people) on the network. This however does not give me all of the information I wanted and also works on screen names rather than the Twitter ID’s, so if someone changes their name they fall off my list.

Searching on-line I found that Google Docs spreadsheet provides a function ImportXML which a number of people have been using to bring XML results into a spreadsheet. It appears to have some limits (50 calls per document) which at the time seemed problematic since I was wanting to work with much larger lists. I know better understand some of the Twitter API calls so that limit is less extreme than I first though. Nonetheless I wanted to work in Excel as I am more comfortable with it.

I found online that Excel can import an XML document, and that you can enter a URL there, which includes the ability to enter the Twitter API calls directly. Using the macro recorder I then figured out the calls and put some basic scripting around it to take a column of screen names, break it up into batches of 25 and then execute the XMLImport function for each batch and insert the results into the sheet.

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