Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyWork Update (overdue)
Posted on February 09, 2015Just a quick note to let everyone (who doesn’t already know) that from 1 December 2014 my (almost) three years at Transnet came to an end, I relinquished my position as head of Information Security for the Group and took up a new challenge at a small IT Audit and Information Security consulting firm in Durban by the name of ITSec. You can find out more about ITSec and its services at the website : www.itsec.org.za
The reason for the delay in announcement? I guess that leaving behind what I had worked so hard to achieve and leaving behind the team that I built and that was so good to me was a very difficult thing to do. It has taken a while to come to terms with all of that. Thanks guys, you made it the amazing experience that it was.
Timeline of my tweets for #GartnerSYM 2014 (ebook)
Posted on September 16, 2014During this last week (Wed-Fri) I was privileged to attend the annual Gartner Symposium in Cape Town South Africa (#GartnerSYM). As always I like to cover the events I attend on Twitter, a great way to engage with fellow attendees, and it helps me focus on the presentations and overcome those ADHD tendencies.
Here is my #GartnerSYM symposium timeline in a convenient (if long!) ebook PDF courtesy of @Twournal. If you know of a better way of capturing and sharing tweets for an event please do share.
Take a squiz through and enjoy all the “soundbites” (and examples) of the new digital world and transformation to digitalization. There were many great speakers from Frank Buytendijk (@FrankBuytendijk – Digital Ethics), Mark Raskino (@MarkRaskino Everything will be digitalized), Gamification for the extraordinary (Brian Burke) ,Will Hahn (One Africa Strategy? What about the other 53?) and my new favourite Mary Mesaglio (really appreciated your insights in the Strategy and psychology of innovation space). It would be worth your while to attend one of the symposiums around the world, or look up the analysts and their great work on the Gartner website.
Download it here : Twitter timeline for GartnerSYM (@Twournal)
This isn’t the first event I have covered in this format. If you are interested check them out below.
#ITWebSec Security Summit (2014) timeline of tweets
#share4biz Share for business (2014) timeline here
An finally a shout-out to my fellow tweeters and re-tweeters : @caspender @patch_s_clarke @FrankBuytendijk @zaidmo
Security considerations for Cloud Computing (ISACA publication)
Posted on October 13, 2012ISACA has released their latest book on cloud computing : Security Considerations for Cloud Computing, earlier in the week I received notification that my personal copy is with FedEx on it’s way to South Africa for me, one of the perks of being an expert reviewer on the panel for the publication.
This guide is Another publication in the Cloud Computing Vision Series, Security Considerations for Cloud Computing presents practical guidance to facilitate the decision process for IT and business professionals concerning the decision to move to the cloud. It helps enable effective analysis and measurement of risk through use of decision trees and checklists outlining the security factors to be considered when evaluating the cloud as a potential solution.
There are five essential characteristics, three types of service models and four major deployment models taken into account relative to cloud computing. To ensure a common understanding of these models, this publication describes the characteristics of each characteristic and model.
This guide is meant for all current and potential cloud users who need to ensure protection of information assets moving to the cloud.
If you are making any significant use of Cloud Computing I would recommend you get your hands on the publication. It’s free for members to download, otherwise $35 for a hard copy, $70 for non-members.
HTC Desire build.prop
Posted on October 04, 2011I had a few requests for a copy of my build.prop from my HTC Desire (one of the devices supported by the Drifta Android software). In the hope it helps some of you I have uploaded it and added it to the FAQ.
If you have one of the other supported devices (Galaxy S, SII etc) feel free to send me your build.prop and I will upload it to help out others.
Killing Kebble now available on Amazon as Kindle Download
Posted on July 13, 2011I have been getting a number of hits on my article on converting ebooks for Kindle from people looking to get Mandy’s book on their Kindle’s.
Good news, as the title says, you can now get it directly from Amazon here.
It is only $12 (Around R80), and will download to your Kindle in seconds. Much easier than going through the whole “buy from Kalahari and convert” process. And cheaper too.
Support South African authors and pick up a copy. It really is a great read, fascinating insight into what went down that fateful night and what is/was happening in the SA underworld. So many names you will recognise from the press, news reports and even Noseweek.
Converting your ebooks to read on your kindle
Posted on June 18, 2011Those who read my post from yesterday will know I was frustrated with the process for buying books on Kalahari.net and with the frustration of having to use their proprietary “Beta” software reader which would only work on my laptop but not on my Kindle. I wanted to read “Killing Kebble” on the kindle and couldn’t (Update 13 July, it’s now on Amazon). Here is how to do it.
I am a long time fan of Calibre as an “iTunes for Kindle” application that will manage your library of books and covert them into the required format for most devices you can think of. It also handles downloading of web sites and making them into “mini magazines” for you to read any place any time. Really great software.
How does this help?
Well when buying books from non-Amazon stores they could be delivered in a number of different formats. epub is a common format for online publishers. Just be careful though. Not all epubs (or ebooks) are created equal and many that you buy will have embedded DRM that stops you using them when where and as you please.
A case in point, ebooks from Kalahari.net and Exclusive books online make use of an Adobe DRM solution.
There is however a solution. Read the rest of this entry »
DSTV Mobile / Drifta Frequently Asked Questions (unofficial)
Posted on March 26, 2011When I wrote my review of the DSTV Drifta device back in December 2011 I didn’t anticipate just how much interest there would be in the device, nor the amount of traffic it would drive to my site and the number of comments and questions the post would elicit.
It is now quite unwieldy going through the review and all the follow-up posts. I have summarised most of the info and follow-ups into a good old FAQ. I hope this is useful to you and that you will continue to contribute questions and answers.
If you want to read more about the iDrifta, read the review here.
DSTV Mobile / Drifta Frequently Asked Questions
There are 3 DSTV mobile service offerings so things can get a little confusing. I will try to re-order and group the questions better over time to give some clarity. The 3 offerings are : DVB-H Broadcast, Streaming (via Vodacom Live! and now MTN Play) and Streaming (via Nokia N8 exclusive application).
Is this an “official” FAQ ?
No, not at all. You can find the official dstv one here : http://www.dstvmobile.com/dstvmobile/content/en/south-africa-plus/south-africa-plus-faqs
This FAQ is a work in progress and has been prepared based on my original review of the drifta (http://j-j.co.za/?p=327) and the numerous questions and comments that arose from that review. Please feel free to contribute to this. All contributions will be attributed and welcomed. Either add in the comments at the bottom or mail me : driftafaq@j-j.co.za
Which countries have DSTV mobile coverage?
There seems to be 3 services, each with it’s own coverage (thanks to Maiyo Simapungula, Public Relations and Communications Manager at DStv Mobile for clearing some of this up). These are the DVB-H broadcast coverage, the general streaming service and the N8 specific service.
The DVB-H broadcast coverage includes:
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- South Africa
DSTV mobile has a streaming service available via Vodacom Live!. This service is currently available only in South Africa with more countries expected to follow. It has 11 channels, and for R59/month (or R19/week) you get to watch up to 3 hours (45m weekly). For more information check the “Streaming Tab” from the DSTV mobile website or click here.
A second streaming service is available exclusively for the Nokia N8. The website lists +- 50 countries where this service works (full list here). This is however a streaming service and not a broadcast service so you PAY FOR THE DATA, which makes it very expensive. It also only has 3 channels, SuperSport Blitz, Euronew and SawSee.
I got banned on the DSTV Mobile forum, what do I do ?
Haa haa. Welcome to the club.
Despite their terms of use allowing them to decide who they wish to use the forums and who they wish to exclude, one would think that the forums would be a good way to engage with customers, answer queries, deal with concerns being raised. It seems that DSTV would rather use the forums to spread propaganda messages, excluding those who ask questions they would rather not answer.
In my case
- my ban is indefinite : “Date the ban will be lifted: Never”
- for reasons unknown : “You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified.”
- I mailed them to ask them the reason and never received a reply.
If you wish to see what is going on in the forums (and there never seems to be much) just log out of your account and you can read the forums. If they spent a bit more time answering questions honestly, providing customer support and sorting out their promises with respect to service delivery they would have a whole lot more customers. Oh what a pain it is to have to deal with monopolies.
Is this site affiliated to MNET/MULTICHOICE/DTSV?
No, I am in no way affiliated with any of the above. There was a comment (accusation) to that effect on the original review, thanks again to Su Stokes (from Multichoice) for confirming that I am not affiliated with them.
I have just bought my drifta and I can’t get it to work? Help
You need to activate the Drifta with DSTV and get a DSTV account (if you don’t have one). Phone them and they will get it sorted for you.
Customer Care
email: care@dstvmobile.com
(011) 289 2222
(012) 422 2222
(031) 710 2222
Cape Town
(021) 508 2222
Port Elizabeth
(041) 395 2222
(051) 503 2222
Where can I get support on the Drifta or DSTV mobile?
Try the dstvmobile forums (http://forum.dstvmobile.com/), call them or visit them (see below), or post questions here.
141 Bram Fischer Drive
South Africa
email: care@dstvmobile.com
(011) 289 2222
(012) 422 2222
(031) 710 2222
Cape Town
(021) 508 2222
Port Elizabeth
(041) 395 2222
(051) 503 2222
Where can I find reviews of the Drifta?
Reviews of drifta :
- Right here on j-j.co.za
- Review of original Drifta (http://j-j.co.za/2010/12/some-thoughts-on-dstv-mobile-and-the-drifta-in/)
- Review of USB Drifta (http://j-j.co.za/2011/08/my-thoughts-on-the-usb-dstv-drifta-review/)
- Review of the iDrifta (http://j-j.co.za/2012/06/review-of-the-idrifta-for-ipadiphoneipod-touch/)
- High on IT (http://www.high-on-it.co.za/2011/01/quick-review-of-dstv-drifta.html)
- BrYan’s Blog (http://brattex.blogspot.com/2011/03/dstv-drifta.html)
- David Ajao – Review of Nigerian DSTV Mobile on Nokia 5330 (http://www.davidajao.com/blog/2010/06/20/a-review-of-dstv-mobile-and-nokia-5330-mobile-tv-edition/)
- Marc Forrest (http://www.marcforrest.com/2010/12/01/dstv-mobile-with-the-drifta-iphone/)
- Financial Mail (http://www.fm.co.za/Article.aspx?id=129059)
Is this an “official” FAQ ?
No, not at all. You can find the official dstv one here : http://www.dstvmobile.com/dstvmobile/content/en/south-africa-plus/south-africa-plus-faqs
This FAQ is a work in progress and has been prepared based on my original review of the drifta (http://j-j.co.za/?p=327) and the numerous questions and comments that arose from that review. Please feel free to contribute to this. All contributions will be attributed and welcomed. Either add in the comments at the bottom or mail me : driftafaq@j-j.co.za
Which countries have DSTV mobile coverage?
There seems to be 3 services, each with it’s own coverage (thanks to Maiyo Simapungula, Public Relations and Communications Manager at DStv Mobile for clearing some of this up). These are the DVB-H broadcast coverage, the general streaming service and the N8 specific service.
The DVB-H broadcast coverage includes:
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- South Africa
DSTV mobile has a streaming service available via Vodacom Live!. This service is currently available only in South Africa with more countries expected to follow. It has 11 channels, and for R59/month (or R19/week) you get to watch up to 3 hours (45m weekly). For more information check the “Streaming Tab” from the DSTV mobile website or click here.
A second streaming service is available exclusively for the Nokia N8. The website lists +- 50 countries where this service works (full list here). This is however a streaming service and not a broadcast service so you PAY FOR THE DATA, which makes it very expensive. It also only has 3 channels, SuperSport Blitz, Euronew and SawSee.
I got banned on the DSTV Mobile forum, what do I do ?
Haa haa. Welcome to the club.
Despite their terms of use allowing them to decide who they wish to use the forums and who they wish to exclude, one would think that the forums would be a good way to engage with customers, answer queries, deal with concerns being raised. It seems that DSTV would rather use the forums to spread propaganda messages, excluding those who ask questions they would rather not answer.
In my case
- my ban is indefinite : “Date the ban will be lifted: Never”
- for reasons unknown : “You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified.”
- I mailed them to ask them the reason and never received a reply.
If you wish to see what is going on in the forums (and there never seems to be much) just log out of your account and you can read the forums. If they spent a bit more time answering questions honestly, providing customer support and sorting out their promises with respect to service delivery they would have a whole lot more customers. Oh what a pain it is to have to deal with monopolies.
Is this site affiliated to MNET/MULTICHOICE/DTSV?
No, I am in no way affiliated with any of the above. There was a comment (accusation) to that effect on the original review, thanks again to Su Stokes (from Multichoice) for confirming that I am not affiliated with them.
I have just bought my drifta and I can’t get it to work? Help
You need to activate the Drifta with DSTV and get a DSTV account (if you don’t have one). Phone them and they will get it sorted for you.
Customer Care
email: care@dstvmobile.com
(011) 289 2222
(012) 422 2222
(031) 710 2222
Cape Town
(021) 508 2222
Port Elizabeth
(041) 395 2222
(051) 503 2222
Where can I get support on the Drifta or DSTV mobile?
Try the dstvmobile forums (http://forum.dstvmobile.com/), call them or visit them (see below), or post questions here.
141 Bram Fischer Drive
South Africa
email: care@dstvmobile.com
(011) 289 2222
(012) 422 2222
(031) 710 2222
Cape Town
(021) 508 2222
Port Elizabeth
(041) 395 2222
(051) 503 2222
Where can I find reviews of the Drifta?
Reviews of drifta :
- Right here on j-j.co.za
- Review of original Drifta (http://j-j.co.za/2010/12/some-thoughts-on-dstv-mobile-and-the-drifta-in/)
- Review of USB Drifta (http://j-j.co.za/2011/08/my-thoughts-on-the-usb-dstv-drifta-review/)
- Review of the iDrifta (http://j-j.co.za/2012/06/review-of-the-idrifta-for-ipadiphoneipod-touch/)
- High on IT (http://www.high-on-it.co.za/2011/01/quick-review-of-dstv-drifta.html)
- BrYan’s Blog (http://brattex.blogspot.com/2011/03/dstv-drifta.html)
- David Ajao – Review of Nigerian DSTV Mobile on Nokia 5330 (http://www.davidajao.com/blog/2010/06/20/a-review-of-dstv-mobile-and-nokia-5330-mobile-tv-edition/)
- Marc Forrest (http://www.marcforrest.com/2010/12/01/dstv-mobile-with-the-drifta-iphone/)
- Financial Mail (http://www.fm.co.za/Article.aspx?id=129059)
General questions
Are the channels the same in each country?
Each country has it’s own channel list, for example Ghana has BBC and CNN which we don’t have in SA, as well as a different set of Supersport channels. Go to the DSTV Mobile website and select the country on the opening map, then take a look at the channel list to see what is available in each.
I am getting “Service is currently scrambled” regardless of the channel selected?
This seems to happen even when the reception is good (it can be 100%) and indicator is green proving that it is picking up signal but no picture or sound is available. After clicking “OK” the Drifta decoder then continually tries to connect but does not manage to do so.
Solution :
1. You have to phone the DSTV call centre to ask them to resend the signal to you and then it should work.
2. You can also sort out the problem without phoning the help desk by logging on to the care website. Look for the error codes “how to” on the right hand side of the page (look for error code E16).
3. In theory you can reset the error code by SMS using : SMS “error code + smartcard number” to 32472 just not sure what smarcard number you would use. If you are having to do resets often ask the call centre for the “smartcard number” of your Drifta, they should be able to sort you out with it.
Content supplemented with information from the DSTV mobile forums : http://forum.dstvmobile.com/
How do I transfer ownership of the DSTV Drifta?
Just give customer care a call. You will need the following information :
1. your ID number
2. the seller’s ID number
3. proof of purchase
I got banned on the DSTV Mobile forum, what do I do ?
Haa haa. Welcome to the club.
Despite their terms of use allowing them to decide who they wish to use the forums and who they wish to exclude, one would think that the forums would be a good way to engage with customers, answer queries, deal with concerns being raised. It seems that DSTV would rather use the forums to spread propaganda messages, excluding those who ask questions they would rather not answer.
In my case
- my ban is indefinite : “Date the ban will be lifted: Never”
- for reasons unknown : “You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified.”
- I mailed them to ask them the reason and never received a reply.
If you wish to see what is going on in the forums (and there never seems to be much) just log out of your account and you can read the forums. If they spent a bit more time answering questions honestly, providing customer support and sorting out their promises with respect to service delivery they would have a whole lot more customers. Oh what a pain it is to have to deal with monopolies.
Why does the content of E! and Cartoon Network seem so poor?
Well, despite what might be advertised to, and expected by us, the customer, the Cartoon Network and E! channels are not the full channels you see on dstv. They are a “dumbed down” version on a 2 hour repeat cycle of week old stuff. Don’t expect the real thing.
To quote from a DSTV spokesman “Note that E! & CN’s content is customised for the mobile environment and unlike the rest of the channels, content on these 2 channels is not the same as content on “normal” DStv. On mobile, E! & CN’s content is meant to repeat 4-5 different clips within a 2 hour loop and also it’s content that played out last week (one weeks old content). ”
And in response to a question on false advertising around it not being the full channels :
” We will escalate the matter in regards with advertising to Marketing and investigate accordingly. For information on DStv Mobile products and the riveting content available, please visit our website.”
Um ya right. Ok then.
Any news on Blackberry client for DSTV Drifta?
Updated 26/11/2011
The application is compatible with the following BlackBerry devices:
- Bold 9000
- Bold 9700
- Curve 8520
- Curve 8900
- Curve 9300
The application is available at http://appworld.blackberry.
Because the BlackBerry application is a public beta, no minimum performance can be guaranteed.
No support is available for OS7 devices or the latest devices, so no luck for the owners of the Torch or the new Bold 9900. If you follow the appworld link from one of these devices (eg 9900) app world just gives an error message saying the software is unavailable for the device.
DStv say they are working on getting support for these devices. Let’s hope this doesn’t take as long to get sorted as the Beta did.
Does DSTV monitor your usage of the Drifta?
I would have thought not, however, the following is found in the latest version of the Drifta Client software (1.3.1) for Windows :
0x00114EA8 0x0000006E https://mo-dev.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/MetaData?id= 0x00114F18 0x00000071 https://mo-dev.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/UsageMonitoring 0x00114F90 0x00000064 https://mo-dev.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Drifta.Activator.Web/Manage.aspx/Status?id= 0x00114FF8 0x0000006D https://mo-qa.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/MetaData?id= 0x00115068 0x00000070 https://mo-qa.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/UsageMonitoring 0x001150E0 0x00000063 https://mo-qa.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Drifta.Activator.Web/Manage.aspx/Status?id= 0x00115148 0x0000006E https://mo-uat.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/MetaData?id= 0x001151B8 0x00000071 https://mo-uat.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/UsageMonitoring 0x00115230 0x00000064 https://mo-uat.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Drifta.Activator.Web/Manage.aspx/Status?id= 0x00115298 0x0000006B https://ums.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/MetaData?id= 0x00115308 0x0000006E https://ums.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Collector.Web.IISHost_Drifta/Drifta.aspx/UsageMonitoring 0x00115378 0x00000061 https://ums.dstvmobile.com/DStvMobile.UsageMonitoring.Drifta.Activator.Web/Manage.aspx/Status?id=
This surely seems to indicate that DSTV is indeed monitoring Drifta useage. I haven’t seen anything anywhere which specifically allows this, perhaps its time to review the terms and conditions again. See them here. I see nothing in there which gives DSTV the right to monitor what I am doing with the software.
I also found that the Windows application created two files in user/AppData/Roaming/DStv/DStv Mobile Decoder/Logs.
- last_time.log
- 2011-07-06, 21:42:19 (The date and time of last useage)
- tmp.gz
- Snagit32/CamRecorder/HyCam2/SSRecorder/VODRecorder/HiNetRecorder/wmrecorder/Easy_WebCam_Recording/VideoCap/debut/Screen Recorder 5/My Screen Recorder/bdcam/H264WebCam/smrecorder/Taksi/WebCam Monitor/SplitCam/WVC/MobiGarda/openvcap/Cam Wizard/procguard/SaypeCap/fraps/Jing/FreeScreenVideo
The tmp.gz seems to contain a list of applications which can record the video stream, and which (maybe) they intend to (or already) check for and block.
Running a network traffic sniffer while decoder.exe starts up shows that a DNS lookup is done for ums.dstvmobile.com and that an HTTPS encrypted session is then established through to the server confirming that there is some level of monitoring going on and that the URLS found in the executable are more than just coincidence.
I mailed Maiyo to ask what this was all about, and after consulting with technical came back to tell me that they have a trial running where they monitor the useage of certain users. The traffic we are seeing above (according to DSTV) arises as the client checks in with the server to see if it is one of the smart cards involved in the trial. While this provides a small amount of comfort, it also confirms that my identifiable details are sent through to DSTV every time I use my Drifta while being connected to the internet. That is cold comfort.
What is the USB Drifta?
The USB Drifta is a new Drifta that looks rather like a USB 3G Modem or a Memory stick. It is a small dongle like device that plugs directly into your computer USB port and then works pretty much the same as the previous generation Drifta. No wires, no charging, less hassle. Only supports computers though, no mobile devices.
You can take a look at what it looks like and what is delivered here in the unboxing post.
I just bought my Drifta, do I have to pay the subscription fee?
The advertising and documentation around this is a bit confusing.
The deal was that it was free until 31 March 2011. Then, if you were a Compact Subscriber and activated before 31 March 2011, you could have it free until 31 March 2011.
If you are a Premium subscriber you could have one free Drifta Subs until 31 March 2012.
The USB Drifta documentation still says that if you are a Compact subscriber and activate before 31 March 2011 you can have it free until 31 March 2012. I assume this an oversight and just poor editing of text for the website since we have already passed 31 March 2011, and the USB drifta was released to the public after this date. Poor show.
How do I see if there is coverage where I live?
The DStv Mobile website has quite a decent coverage map which shows whether you are likely to have coverage. Check your coverage here.
If you are way outside a covered area you probably won’t have much luck. If close to or within an area you are likely to be ok. You can of course always use extended aerials and the like. See the FAQ question on boosting signal.
Do you have to have a DTSV account to use a Drifta?
Yes, you do need a DSTV account to use a Drifta. You don’t have to have a R600/month account, but they need an account so they can bill you the R36/month fees (there is no prepaid option). DSTV can create an account quite easily so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
How do I get access to the Mnet Mobile channel on my Drifta/Walka?
If you are a DStv premium subscriber you will get access to this channel. If you are just a Drifta (R36/month) subscriber you will not get access to it and there is no way to buy access to just this channel without paying the full premium subscription.
What devices are supported by the Drifta?
Currently :
- iDevices (iPod touch, iPad, iPhone) (Download the “dstv mobile decoder” app from the Apple Appstore)
- Windows based computers (Get the software from www.dstvmobile.com)
Rumoured :
- Android devices (promised support by 1 April)
- Blackberry (promised support by 1 April – now appears delayed to 31 May – Now June sometime? Nope, maybe July)
- Nokia/Symbian (promised support by 1 April)
- Windows mobile / 7 (unclear)
There is no clear feedback or timelines on the above. We are just a few days away from the promised release date and DSTV seem to be hedging their bets and pushing out the dates. The DTSV FAQ lists the above as being “Early 2011″.
All deadlines have been missed, people are ignored on the DSTV forums when asked, misinformed by call centre staff when they ask, and told “We never said that” when reminding DSTV of the April date.
Don’t expect the software to appear on any new devices anytime soon. Seems DSTV bit off more than they could chew with this and aren’t prepared to make it right with their customers whom they misled.
Slight update from a 13th June posting on the mybroadband.co.za forum (link here) : (slightly edited)
- There is an Android client in the works (no timeline yet)
- There is a blackberry client in the works ( no time line yet)
- There is a Nokia S60 version in the works (sooner than the other 2, but will only be ready when the coding is done). This version will utilize the Drifta with wifi support but the CPU needs to be above 700mhz.
The Nokia E71 runs at 381Mhz, the N95 at 330Mhz, the E72 runs at 600Mhz, N97 runs at 434Mhz. So, if the statement above is true, then only Nokia S60 phones released in late 2010/2011 like the N8 and E7 (only 680Mhz) may well work with the Drifta. So don’t hold out much hope then. This also makes me worry about which Blackberry Devices will be compatible with the Drifta. I wish they would just come out and say what is planned. The waiting sucks when after the wait you still probably won’t be able to use the device.
What is the upfront cost?
The drifta device sell for around R599, but can be bought on special offers for a little cheaper (R549). There was originally no monthly subscription fee but this is to change from the 1st April 2011. The monthly cost will be +- R36. DSTV premium subscribers will not be charged extra for DSTV mobile for another year (1st April 2012). There is no data cost, the device doesn’t use an internet connection.
The Nokia N8 (streaming service) is listed on the website as being a free application (which it is). So there is no upfront cost. Be aware that as it is a streaming service you will be paying the (high) data costs of your cellular service provider. This can be very very expensive.
What are the monthly costs?
For the DVB-H broadcast option (this is what the Drifta uses), just the monthly subscription of R36. No data charges or any other charges. R5 optional extra insurance if you want it. (More info to be added on pricing in other African countries)
For streaming via Vodacom Live! it costs R59/month (or R19/week) and you get to watch up to 3 hours of programming (45m weekly). Anything over that is considered outside of the acceptable useage policy. You do NOT pay for the data using this service, it’s included in your subscription.
The Nokia N8 (streaming service) will cost you a whole lot more depending on useage as it is a streaming service. You will have to pay your per MB fees to your network cellular provider. Be careful of this, you could rack up high bills quickly.
How many channels are there?
There are currently 15 channels (Changes 14 July 2011) :
- Supersport 1
- Supersport 2
- Supersport 3
- Supersport Blitz
- M-Net Series Mobile **
- Sony MAX
- Africa Magic
- E! Entertainment Mobile **
- Cartoon Network Mobile (now the full version)
- Channel O
- Trace Urban
- The eNews Channel
- CNNi
- Big Brother Amplified
- Idols Extra
** These are mobile versions of the channel and may not match the content of the full channel on DSTV. Cartoon network was most affected by this, but is now the full channel. See the comments at the bottom of the post.
As of 1st April 2011 there were 13 channels (Up from the original 10 at launch)
- Africa Magic
- Channel O
- Trace TV
- The eNews Channel
- SuperSport Blitz
- SuperSport 1
- SuperSport 2
- SuperSport 3
- SuperSport 6 (temp for world cup)
- Cartoon Network
- CNNi
- E!Entertainment
- Sony Max
Just be careful though, the Cartoon Network and E! channels are not the full channels you see on dstv. They are a “dumbed down” version on a 2 hour repeat cycle of week old stuff. Don’t expect the real thing.
To quote from a DSTV spokesman “Note that E! & CN’s content is customised for the mobile environment and unlike the rest of the channels, content on these 2 channels is not the same as content on “normal” DStv. On mobile, E! & CN’s content is meant to repeat 4-5 different clips within a 2 hour loop and also it’s content that played out last week (one weeks old content). ”
And in response to a question on false advertising around it not being the full channels :
” We will escalate the matter in regards with advertising to Marketing and investigate accordingly. For information on DStv Mobile products and the riveting content available, please visit our website.”
Um ya right. Ok then.
And just to prove that DStv does listen, the Cartoon Network being broadcast has been upgraded to the full version. No more complaints from the kids 😉
Why is the channel selection so poor?
This seems to be quite a contentious issue. Some people like the selection, others don’t.
The channel selection is aimed at people on the move. 5 (half) of the current channels are sports channels, great for those who don’t want to miss the game when they are on the move. In the DSTV forums it is claimed the channel selection is based on “wide market research”. The forum members think it has more to do with DSTV wanting to keep the costs low for the licensing of the channels, hence no decent movie or entertainment channels. To be honest, the quality (low resolution) doesn’t really justify watching a movie on this. I would however like an additional news channel, though etv news is quite decent.
With effect from 1st April a few changes are in store. Supersport 6 is dropped (was always only temporary for the world cup) and CNNi, E!Entertainment and Sony Max are added. This does give more balance to the lineup.
Will DSTV add more channels?
There are nine channels on the DStv Mobile bouquet and a maximum of six can be accommodated on the eTV bouquet. This is due to how the frequency was allocated by ICASA. Therefore the DStv Mobile bouquet cannot have more than 9 channels at any one time. (from answer on the DSTV mobile forum).
As of 14 July 2011 there are a total of 15 channels available on Drifta, including the eNews channel. It therefore looks as though eTV have made a deal with DStv whereby DStv are using the channels allocated to eTV. This would suggest the number can’t grow beyond the current 15.
Is there a time delay between live and dstv mobile?
Yes there is a delay. Watching on a dstv decoder on SS2 and comparing the broadcast timing to the Drifta I have found a delay of +- 13 seconds. The delay may vary per channel.
Where can I found out more about DVB-H ?
How long does it take to change channels?
When you click the button it synchronises to the next channel. Can take anywhere from 5-10 seconds depending on signal strength etc. Normally takes around 6 seconds.
What is the resolution of the picture?
The native resolution of the transmission is 320×240, and is limited to this by the bandwidth available in the DVB-H spectrum. The specification of DVB-H was agreed back in 2002, when cell phones had tiny tiny screens so don’t be surprised at the poor resolution, it was considered quite high back then. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVB-H
Why is the picture so small?
Technically the resolution of the transmission is limited to 320×240. DSTV have chosen to artificially restrict the size of the picture on-screen to double this resolution. It gives you a picture that takes up about a quarter of the size of a normal laptop screen. There is an unofficial patch to work around this. (See How do I make the picture larger).
While the application allows a zoomed in view, it just doubles the pixels. There is no full screen mode available. You can use the windows magnifier to zoom in further but it looks terrible. Better just to watch in the smaller window and enjoy it for what it is – a mobile service.
When will DSTV improve the resolution of the broadcast?
Don’t expect an upgrade in the resolution any time soon, it seems this is not technically possible (limited by the DVB-H spectrum). If the broadcast standard changes and the devices can be updated then perhaps one day this could be improved. Don’t count on it.
I keep getting “weak signal” error messages
Inside areas marked as having signal this normally isn’t a problem. In low signal areas there are things you can do to improve your signal. See “How can I improve my signal?”
If you have moved location a lot, sometimes a channel scan will sort this out. The decoder keeps the details of the channels and tries to use those when connecting. I have noticed that when travelling between Durban and Capetown I always need to do a channel scan in the next city. Only takes 3 minutes then you are back online.
Some panorama photosynths from Capetown : Table Mountain, Cape Point #in
Posted on December 19, 2010With my work having taken me to the fairer cape for a fair amount of time the last few months I have had the pleasure of driving around and enjoying some of the stunning sites. I have made some panorama photosynths from two of these and uploaded them to the Photosynth website.
The first is a 360′ view from the road up to Table Mountain.
The second was taken down at Cape Point, from a viewing point below the lighthouse, where we could look up at the lighthouse and down the cliffs to the sea below. Really amazing views and while the synth doesn’t come out quite perfectly it does a fair job of capturing the splendour of the views.
Google acquisition trail Feb 2001 – Aug 2010 #in
Posted on August 26, 2010This is a rather impressive info graphic put together by scores.org laying out the timeline of Google acquisitions from Feb 2001 to current. Take a look through, a walk down memory lane
The acquisitions are categorised (left to right) according to the revenue intent behind the acquisition, into either revenue growth, competition reduction, or a bit of both.
The inner circle is a colour coded pie chart reflecting whether the key asset obtained through the acquisition was People (yellow), Market (red) or Technology (blue).
The sizes of the outer circles also shows the relative size of the acquisitions. The relative sizes don’t take into account the size of Google at the time of the acquisition nor inflation so take care before reading too much into these sizes.
The list is quite comprehensive although it is not believed to be complete, the author has indicated the graphic will be updated to reflect corrections.
Click through to see the full infographic (It is extremely long so isn’t included here on the front page).
Proposed MSc in Information Security (Rhodes)
Posted on June 19, 2010Barry Irwin from Rhodes University is looking into getting a MSc Infosec (Masters in Applied Computer Science – Focusing on Information Security) up and running, including potentially for part time / distance students. This certainly sounds like a good addition to the formal information security learning options in SA. He has placed a survey online and anyone interested in further information can mail Barry at “b.irwin (at) ru.ac.za”.
Some further info from the survey page about the proposed MSc :
The degree will consist of a combination of Coursework Modules and a Research project and will be run by the Department of Computer Science at Rhodes University. The intended target for the Degree programme is individuals working within the information security field. These individuals should ideally have at least 2-3 years working in information security or associated fields. While primarily targeted at individuals within South Africa, others may be interested, particularly in the one year full time option.
Based on the feedback received from the survey and other market studies, a final feasibility decision will be made. Those wishing to be kept informed of the status of the course can complete the contact details section at the end of the survey or email Barry.